Education Minister Hipkins visited Otago Polytechnic today to view the new Trades Training Centre construction project. The new Training Centre is expected to be completed in October 2022 and will employ circa 200 tradespeople during construction.
Logic Group are proud to be the Project Mangers on this iconic project.
Creating more quarantine space for desperately needed international students will depend on demand, Education Minister Chris Hipkins says.Mr Hipkins made a flying visit to Dunedin yesterday to check progress on Otago Polytechnic’s $31.7million Trades Training Centre project.
His southern call came amid concern over the impact on the education sector from plummeting international student numbers in the wake of Covid-19.
This week, Invercargill MP and former Southern Institute of Technology chief executive Penny Simmonds said universities and polytechnics were expecting big deficits this year and would continue to suffer financially if they did not get a significant intake of foreign students.
"If we don't start getting some students in soon, and certainly if we don't get them in by first intake 2022, we're going to see this going out for another two years," Ms Simmonds said.